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Food Shop / Gift Hampers / Large Gift Hamper
Two bags of gluten-free granolas + Two jars of homemade Nut butters
What you’ll gift:
1 Bag orange coconut vanilla granola
1 Bag of banana granola
1 Jar peanut butter
1 Jar cashew butter or almond butter
370 kcal | 9 g P | 15 g c | 33 g F
contains nuts, Dairy-Free, gluten-free, Grain-free, low carb, Paleo, vegan
260 kcal | 7g P | 29g c | 14g F
Dairy-Free, eggs-free, gluten-free, vegan
290 kcal | 6 g P | 29 g c | 18 g F
Contains coconut, Contains honey
260kcal | 19g P | 4g c | 18g F
260kcal | 6g P | 28g c | 15g F
270kcal | 5g P | 32g c | 14g F
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